sebelumnya gw ucapin banyak terima kasih buat bro SAm yang udah ngeboleh-in buat copas postingannya.
The Microsoft Office 2010 is a limited, invitation only program
which will provide you with the opportunity to experience early,
pre-release versions of Office 2010 which will include the following
applications: Word 2010, Excel 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010,
OneNote 2010, Communicator 2010, Access 2010, InfoPath 2010 and
Publisher 2010. Microsoft Office 2010 provides people at home or work
with a comprehensive set of tools that helps them gather and
consolidate virtually any type of information, find what they are
looking for quickly, and easily share information with others across
geographical or organizational boundaries, so they can deliver better
results faster.------>>> GAK TAU NEH MAKSUDNYA APAAN
* Word * Excel * PowerPoint * Outlook * OneNote * Access * Publisher * InfoPath
dah deh segitu, ajah:D! muph ya klu dalam posting msih da kta² yg salah , coz msih gaptek bnged n bru pertama posting neh:wallbash:, n semoga berguna buat ka² n master² di sene:D